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August 2016

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Advanced Sorting to Create New Scrap Flows

Advanced Sorting to Create New Scrap Flows


•    Author:  Serge Roy •    Author's Company:  Alconsult •    Title:  Advanced Sorting to Create New Scrap Flows •    Volume:  Vol. 74, No. 4 •    Year:  2016 •    No. Pages:  3 •    Description:  This article presents an overview of the current scrap market…

Book Review: The Guidelines for Handling Molten Aluminum

Book Review: The Guidelines for Handling Molten Aluminum


•    Author:  Curt Wells •    Author's Company:  The Aluminum Association •    Title:  Book Review: The Guidelines for Handling Molten Aluminum •    Volume:  Vol. 74, No. 4 •    Year:  2016 •    No. Pages:  2 •    Description:  The Guidelines for Handling Mol…

Defects Affecting Extrusion – Influence of Metallurgical Changes on Extrusion Defects

Defects Affecting Extrusion – Influence of Metallurgical Changes on Extrusion Defects


•    Author:  Jerome Fourmann •    Author's Company:  Rio Tinto Aluminum •    Title:  Defects Affecting Extrusion – Influence of Metallurgical Changes on Extrusion Defects •    Volume:  Vol. 74, No. 4 •    Year:  2016 •    No. Pages:  2.5 •    Description: &…

Equipment Spotlight: Recycling Aluminum Machining Chips with Minimal Melt Loss

Equipment Spotlight: Recycling Aluminum Machining Chips with Minimal Melt Loss


•    Title:  Equipment Spotlight: Recycling Aluminum Machining Chips with Minimal Melt Loss •    Volume:  Vol. 74, No. 4 •    Year:  2016 •    No. Pages:  2 •    Description:  This spotlight article presents information on a new recycling system developed by Hertwich Engineering, part of SMS group, for melting scalper chips, edge…

Equipment Spotlight: Upgrading Zorba and Eliminating Down-Cycling of Taint Tabor and Extrusions

Equipment Spotlight: Upgrading Zorba and Eliminating Down-Cycling of Taint Tabor and Extrusions


•    Author: Eric Thurston •    Author's Company:  TOMRA North America •    Title:  Equipment Spotlight: Upgrading Zorba and Eliminating Down-Cycling of Taint Tabor and Extrusions •    Volume:  Vol. 74, No. 4 •    Year:  2016 •    No. Pages:  2 •    Description: &…

ET ’16 – Innovations for Tomorrow, Insights for Today

ET ’16 – Innovations for Tomorrow, Insights for Today


•    Author:  Joseph C. Benedyk •    Author's Company:  Illinois Institute of Technology, Light Metal Age •    Title:  ET ’16 – Innovations for Tomorrow, Insights for Today •    Volume:  Vol. 74, No. 4 •    Year:  2016 •    No. Pages:  5 •    Descripti…

Improvements in 6xxx Alloys for Crash Management: Influence of Alloy Design and Quenching

Improvements in 6xxx Alloys for Crash Management: Influence of Alloy Design and Quenching


•    Author:  Andreas Schiffl, Wolfgang Kuhlein •    Author's Company:  Hammerer Aluminium Industries Extrusion GmbH •    Title:  Improvements in 6xxx Alloys for Crash Management: Influence of Alloy Design and Quenching] •    Volume:  Vol. 74, No. 4 •    Year:  2016 •    No. Pages:  5 &bu…

Matalco Now the Largest Remelter in North America: Lordstown Casthouse to Achieve Billet Production Milestone of 1 Million Pounds Per Day

Matalco Now the Largest Remelter in North America: Lordstown Casthouse to Achieve Billet Production Milestone of 1 Million Pounds Per Day


•    Author: Andrea Svendsen •    Author's Company:  Light Metal Age •    Title:  Matalco Now the Largest Remelter in North America: Lordstown Casthouse to Achieve Billet Production Milestone of 1 Million Pounds Per Day] •    Volume:  Vol. 74, No. 4 •    Year:  2016 •    No. Pages:  4 &bu…

Novelis Puts CASH on the Line in Oswego Expansion: Interview with Kevin Shutt, Novelis Oswego

Novelis Puts CASH on the Line in Oswego Expansion: Interview with Kevin Shutt, Novelis Oswego


•    Author:  Joseph C. Benedyk •    Author's Company:  Illinois Institute of Technology, Light Metal Age •    Title:  Novelis Puts CASH on the Line in Oswego Expansion: Interview with Kevin Shutt, Novelis Oswego •    Volume:  Vol. 74, No. 4 •    Year:  2016 •    No. Pages:  3 • …

Personality Profile: Creating a One Stop Shop for Aluminum Extruders

Personality Profile: Creating a One Stop Shop for Aluminum Extruders


•    Title:  Personality Profile: Creating a One Stop Shop for Aluminum Extruders •    Volume:  Vol. 74, No. 4 •    Year:  2016 •    No. Pages: 1 •    Description:  In this personality profile, Tom Nentwick's years of experience in the extrusion industry is explored, as well as his transition into his own extrusion equipment suppl…

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