• Title: An Aluminum Extruded Bridge is Born: Weld-Free, Pre-Engineered, and Prefabricated
• Author: Daniel Pagé
• Author Company: MAADI Group
• Volume: Vol. 76, No. 2
• Year: 2018
• No. Pages: 2
• Description: Make-A-Bridge is a modular solution for a weld-free interlocking aluminum pedestrian bridge developed by Alex de la Chevrotière, ceo of MAADI Group. Aluminum extrusions are uniquely suited for enabling the patented joint structure that makes the bridge possible. The unique concept, development, challenges, and ongoing innovation involved in the bridge's development are presented.
• Companies Mentioned: Laval University, Quebec Aluminum Research Center (CQRDA), MAADI Group.
Product Code: AN Y08GW96