• Title: Material Selection for Extrusion Tooling – Part II: Steel and Design Choices for Improved Container Life
• Author: Yahya Mahmoodkhani, Paul Robbins
• Author Company: Castool Tooling Systems
• Volume: Vol. 79, No. 6
• Year: 2021
• No. Pages: 2.5
• Description: Containers, dummy blocks, stems, and dies are the most critical tools in extrusion that work under high stress and/or high temperatures. Due to the harsh thermo-mechanical conditions present in extrusion, these tools are susceptible to failure more than other tooling components. Therefore, determining the most common failure modes and selecting the proper alloy is essential to extend their operational life. In a previous article, material selection for extrusion tooling was discussed in a more general sense. This second article narrows the focus to pinpoint the most important aspects of material selection and its interaction with design features for container components.
Product Code: MATLOWUC39