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New Equipment Spotlight: Environmentally Sound Scrap Processing at Stena Aluminium


Product Information

Title: New Equipment Spotlight: Environmentally Sound Scrap Processing at Stena Aluminium

Issue #: Vol. 60, No. 7,8

Year: 2002

# of Pages: 2

Description: This New Equipment Spotlight presents Stena Aluminium (formerly known as Gotthard Aluminium) and how they had replaced one of their two rotary salt furnaces with a universal rotary tilting furnace (URTF) from Hertwich Engineering of Branau, Austria in August 2001. The URTF uses only one-third of the salt charges of a conventional rotary salt furnace, which reduces operating costs and minimizes salt cake disposal and fluid gas emissions. The URTF is a joint venture among AGA AB/Linde Gas, Hertwich Engineering GmbH, and Corus Aluminium Voerde GmbH.

Product Code: art-00680


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