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New Process Spotlight: Innovation in SPL Transformation – the Industrial Ecology Way


Product Information

•    AuthorPhil Black

•    Author's CompanyRegain Materials

•    Title: New Process Spotlight: Innovation in SPL Transformation – the Industrial Ecology Way– Spent Pot Lining as a Valuable Commodity

•    Volume: Vol. 73, No. 1

•    Year: 2015

•    No. Pages: 2

•    Description: This spotlight introduces a new treatment process from Regain Materials for handling spent potlining (SPL), which is a hazardous waste generated during the relining of smelter pots and is generally stored and landfilled in huge quantities. The method detoxifies SPL materials and processes all of the first-cut and second-cut SPL into fluoride and sodium in a mineral structure that enhances cement clinker chemistry.

•    Companies Mentioned: Regain Materials, OLM Technical Services


Product Code: art-00772


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