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Arabal 2016 – Global Aluminum Market Outlook


Product Information

•    Title:  Arabal 2016 – Global Aluminum Market Outlook

•    Author:  Andrew Hall

•    Author Company:  Alken

•    Volume:  Vol. 75, No. 1

•    Year:  2017

•    No. Pages:  5

•    Description:  The 20th Arab International Aluminium Conference (Arabal 2016) took place in Dubai, UAE, over the period of November 22-24. The event was managed by BME Global and hosted by Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA). This article provides an overview of a selection of presentations, with a focus on the primary aluminum industry and its market outlook, the issue of tariffs and economic protectionism, China's economic situation and its impact on the worldwide aluminum industry, and the handling of spent pot lining.

•    Companies Mentioned:  BME Global, Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA), Gulf Aluminium Council (GAC), Federation of Aluminium Consumers in Europe (FACE), AZ China Limited, Goldman Sachs, CRU, Qatalum

Product Code: ARA00Q4Q32


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