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IMEDAL Congress Shows Robust Aluminum Industry: Automotive Market Fueling Growth IN Mexico


Product Information

  • AuthorAndrea Svendsen
  • Author's CompanyLight Metal Age
  • Title: IMEDAL Congress Shows Robust Aluminum Industry: Automotive Market Fueling Growth IN Mexico
  • Volume: Vol. 71, No. 4
  • Year: 2013
  • No.of Pages: 4
  • Description: The fifth International Aluminum Congress and Exhibition, held July 17-20, took on special significance as it marked the 40th anniversary celebration of its host, the Instituto del Aluminio (IMEDAL). This article presents an overview of the congress, particularly the sessions that featured presentations from various sectors of the aluminum industry, covering topics such as industry trends and trade practices, melting furnace efficiency, anodic hard coatings, extrusion management practices, rheocasting, refractory materials, coatings for aluminum profiles, aluminum composites, and more.
  • Companies Mentioned: Instituto del Aluminio (IMEDAL), Mexichem, Grupo Cuprum, the Aluminum Association, Delgado, Izquierdo & Associates, Harbor Intelligence, Kennedy Eurotech, Electroacabados S.A., Bloom Engineering, Henkel Mexicana, SMS Meer Services Inc., Cinvestav, Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mechatherm, Isertec Hornos y Refractarios, Servicios Comerciales Metalurgicos SC, Azko Nobel, Alchem, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 

Product Code: art-00454


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