• Title: Extrusion Press Maintenance: Equipment Cleanliness to Improve Performance and Safety
• Author: James Cunningham
• Author Company: Cunningham Mechanical Design (CMD)
• Volume: Vol. 75, No. 5
• Year: 2017
• No. Pages: 2
• Description: “Extrusion Press Maintenance” is an exclusive series of articles presenting practical methods for maintaining extrusion presses in order to improve performance, safety, and quality of the final profiles. This second article in the series addresses the importance of maintaining cleanliness to promote equipment efficiency, as well as prevent dangerous conditions that can jeopardize the safety of personnel. Common areas of concern include: hydraulic systems, electrical equipment, the press foundation pit, aluminum dust, and floors. An overview of cleaning methods is presented, including industrial washing and dry ice blasting.
• Companies Mentioned: N/A
Product Code: EXTQ6V7412