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Karmøy Technology Pilot – World Leader in Primary Aluminum Energy Efficiency


Product Information

•    Title:  Karmøy Technology Pilot – World Leader in Primary Aluminum Energy Efficiency

•    Author:  Andrea Svendsen

•    Author Company:  Light Metal Age

•    Volume:  Vol. 76, No. 1

•    Year:  2018

•    No. Pages:  2.5

•    Description:  Hydro produced the first aluminum metal at its Karmøy Technology Pilot plant in Norway in January 2018, where they aim to achieve the most climate and energy efficient aluminum smelting technology in the world. This article follows the development of the HAL4e technology implemented at the pilot plant and provides an overview of the site, which adds 75,000 tpy of aluminum production to the existing capacity of approximately 200,000 tonnes.

•    Companies Mentioned:  Hydro Aluminium, Enova, Innovation Norway, Multiconsult, NKM Noell Special Cranes GmbH

Product Code: KARAVTBB80


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