• Title: Electric Vehicles Spike Demand for High Strength Aluminum Extrusions
• Author: Geoff Scamans
• Author Company: Innoval Technology, Brunel University
• Volume: Vol. 76, No. 5
• Year: 2018
• No. Pages: 4
• Description: The automotive industry is being driven toward the development of electric vehicles, influenced in part by forthcoming regulations on internal combustion engines. This article looks at how this will propel aluminum growth, in particular for extruded products, which are an ideal choice for the battery enclosures required for these vehicles. It also discusses aluminum alloy development projects from Constellium, Innoval, and BCAST that are targeting the electric vehicle market and the importance of the aluminum industry maintaining a sustainable supply chain.
• Companies Mentioned: Tesla, BMW, Audi, Porsche, Daimler, Volvo, General Motors (GM), Constellium, Innoval, Brunel Center for Advanced Solidification Technology (BCAST)
Product Code: ELEG8DTL93