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: Design Competition Winners Use Extrusions to Solve Real-World Problems


Product Information

•    Title:  Design Competition Winners Use Extrusions to Solve Real-World Problems

•    Author:  

•    Author Company:  

•    Volume:  Vol. 78, No. 4

•    Year:  2020

•    No. Pages:  

•    Description:  The ET Foundation announced the winners of the 2020 International Aluminum Extrusion Design Competition, which aims to showcase innovative and practical applications and designs highlighting the value and potential of aluminum extrusions. This article provides an overview of the Professional and Student winners for their innovative designs, such as a portable isolation unit for hospitals, a convertible bed/cart for refugees, a lightweight bridge decking system, a new generation camping trailer, and more.

•    Companies Mentioned:  Aluminum Extruders Council (AEC), ET Foundation, Royal College of Art, Politecnico di Milano, MAADI Group, Sylvan Sport, Polytechnic State University, Studio Montreal, Dawson College, University of Wisconsin


Product Code: : 7V14816


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