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TMS 2020 Meeting and Exhibition


Product Information

•    Title:  TMS 2020 Meeting and Exhibition

•    Author:  

•    Author Company:  

•    Volume:  Vol. 78, No. 4

•    Year:  2020

•    No. Pages:  

•    Description:  The TMS 2020 Annual Meeting & Exhibition was held in San Diego, CA, on February 23-27. This article discusses the honors and awards presented in the Light Metals Division, an overview of the light metals keynote session, and a photo layout showcasing a few of the exhibitors at the show.  

•    Companies Mentioned:  The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS), Idaho National Laboratory, Ohio State University, Rio Tinto Aluminum, Grenoble Institute of Technology, Constellium, Hydro Aluminium, Fives Solios, Aluminium Dunkerque, Stralsund University, MeKo Laser Material Processing, University of California, Santa Barbara, Los Alamos National Laboratory, University of Kentucky, Victoria University of Wellington, Oculatus Inc., ABB, Almex, GLAMA, SINTEF Industry, ALTEK, International Magnesium Association (IMA), Magretech, Mechatherm, ThermoFisher Scientific, Hatch, Sistem Teknik, Wagstaff, ZIRCAR Ceramics 

Product Code: TMSKREO247


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