Author: Daniel Fechner, Norbert Hort, Carsten Blawert, Wolfgang Dietzel, Karl Ulrich Kainer
Company: GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geestacht, Magnesium Innovation Centre
Issue #: Vol. 67, No. 4
Year: 2009
Pages: 5
In Part I of two articles, the authors discuss how due to the growing amount of magnesium post consumer scrap, new processes need to be developed for magnesium alloys. Topics discussed include sources for magnesium scrap, sorting techniques, scrap classes (determined by material form, cleanliness, impurities, metal content, presence of flux, and/or chemical composition), and inclusions in magnesium melts (specifically oxides). Also includes a detailed list of references for further reading.
Product Code: art-00222