Author's Company:
Title: Turkish University Orders New Extrusion Press for Center of Excellence
Volume: Vol. 71, No. 3
No.of Pages: 3
Description: The ATILIM University in Ankara, Turkey, ordered a direct-indirect 10 MN extrusion press from SMS Meer for its Metal Forming Center of Excellence. This article offers a brief overview of the growth in the Turkish aluminum industry, as well as a look at the aluminum research performed at the research center, which works to support that industry. The reasons for selecting the press are noted along with the planned research projects once the press is installed in November 2013.
Companies Mentioned: ATILIM University, Metal Forming Center of Excellence, SMS Meer, CANSAN Alüminyum, ASAS Alüminyum, Assan Alüminyum, Tofas, Renault, Turkis Aerospace Industries, Inc. (TAI), Tusas Engine Industries, Inc. (TEI), Turkish Science Foundation (TÜBITAK), Institute of Metal Forming and Lightweight Components (IUL)
Product Code: art-00432