Title: Deposition of Hard Films on Hot-Working Steel Dies for Aluminum Extrusion
Author: K. Mueller
Company: Forschungszentrum Strangpressen, Technical University of Berlin
Issue #: Vol. 61, No. 3,4
Year: 2003
# of Pages: 6
Description: The author describes a duplex process for improving die performance and the quality of extruded products that consists of applying a combination of a plasma nitiriding (PN) pretreatment and a plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition (PACVD) or plasma-assisted physical vapor deposition (PAPVD) pretreatment process to a hot-working steel die for aluminum extrusion. The result is to achieve a duplex layer with a higher macro hardness and critical load in comparison with conventional films without plasma nitriding treatment.
Product Code: art-00583