• Author: Jerome Fourmann
• Author's Company: Rio Tinto Aluminum
• Title: Defects Affecting Extrusion – Corrosion
• Volume: Vol. 74, No. 1
• Year: 2016
• No. Pages: 2
• Description: The eleventh article in a series focused on extrusion defects addresses corrosion aspects on mill finish extrusion. Inter-granular, stress corrosion, or exfoliation corrosioncan be encountered in a number of aluminum alloys and can result from a wide variety of causes and conditions, most of which involve some degree of acidic environment and a marked “structure-sensitive” element. This condition develops either duringstorage or in service and results in an unacceptable surface. Descriptions of the characteristics, appearance, causes, and possible remedies are provided.
Product Code: DEF6KVRC0