• Title: Al-Mg-Sc Alloys for Sheet, Plate, and Additive Manufacturing for Automotive and Aerospace
• Author: V.Kh. Mann, A.Yu. Krokhin, A.N. Alabin, V.F. Frolov, I.A. Redkin, and R.O. Vahromov
• Author Company: UC Rusal
• Volume: Vol. 74, No. 5
• Year: 2016
• No. Pages: 3
• Description: UC Rusal has developed a new Al-Mg-Sc alloy for automotive and aerospace engineering, as well as shipbuilding. These new wrought alloys have better mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, and weldability. The new alloy material is proposed for producing sheet and plate for automotive and other applications. This article presents an analysis of the structure and mechanical properties of samples of Al-Mg-Sc sheet (≤0.1 wt.% Sc), which is competitive to 2xxx and 6xxx alloys due to its weldability and corrosion resistance characteristics. Samples were also produced via 3D printing with Rusal powders made of Al-Mg-Sc alloys.
• Companies Mentioned: UC Rusal, Krasnoyarsk
Product Code: AL-LEP7680