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AEC Keeping Up Pressure on Fair Trade Issues: Interview with Jeff Henderson, AEC


Product Information

•    Title:  AEC Keeping Up Pressure on Fair Trade Issues: Interview with Jeff Henderson, AEC

•    Volume:  Vol. 74, No. 5

•    Year:  2016

•    No. Pages:  2

•    Description:  The Aluminum Extruders Council (AEC) has been actively working to achieve level competition for North American extruders through tariff protection to offset unfair trade practices. In this interview, Jeff Henderson, who was named president of the AEC in April 2016, discusses the council’s ongoing efforts to address fair trade and recent events that affect these efforts, such as the pending decision by the World Trade Organization (WTO) to grant China market economy status (MES).

•    Companies Mentioned:  Aluminum Extruders Council (AEC), U.S. Department of Commerce, World Trade Organization (WTO), Century Aluminum, China Zhongwang, China Trade Task Force (CTTF), Aluminum Shapes

Product Code: AECXHD6I73


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