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Technological Advancement in Bauxite, Alumina, and Aluminum: ICSOBA 2016


Product Information

•    Title:  Technological Advancement in Bauxite, Alumina, and Aluminum: ICSOBA 2016

•    Author:  Michel Reverdy, Vinko Potocnik, and Frank Feret

•    Author Company:  Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA), Feret Analytical Consulting

•    Volume:  Vol. 75, No. 1

•    Year:  2017

•    No. Pages:  3

•    Description:  The International Committee for the Study of Bauxite, Alumina, and Aluminium (ICSOBA) held its 34th International Conference and Exhibition in Quebec City, Canada, on October 3-6, 2016. This article presents an overview of the Best Papers awarded at the ICSOBA 2016 and 2015 conferences, highlighting the quality of presentations offered in aluminum electrolysis, carbon, alumina, and bauxite.

•    Companies Mentioned:  ICSOBA, Rio Tinto, REGAL Research Center, Hydro Aluminium, Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA), Votorantim Metais/CBA, AKW Apparate + Verfahren GmbH, Eindhoven University of Technology, Institute for the History of Aluminium (IHA)

Product Code: TECGD36V16


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