• Title: Oxy-Fuel Technologies and Strategies for Secondary Aluminum Melting Operations
• Author: Shailesh Gangoli, Bruce Kenworthy, Greg Buragino, Russell Hewertson, Anup Sane, Jeff Mocsari,
• Author Company: Air Products
• Volume: Vol. 75, No. 4
• Year: 2017
• No. Pages: 3.5
• Description: Secondary non-ferrous melting furnaces come in varied types, shapes, and sizes. A key variable in the melting rates of these furnaces is the furnace factor, which is defined as the percentage of total available energy (computed at a given flue gas temperature) that is actually absorbed by the metal during a melt cycle. The furnace factor in rotary furnaces is inherently higher (~85-90%) than that of reverb furnaces (~50-65%). This article will examine the ways oxy-fuel technology can increase heat transfer in a reverb furnace, improving the furnace factor to be on par with a rotary furnace.
• Companies Mentioned: Air Products, ALTREF, Sapa Extrusions, Wabash Alloys
Product Code: OXY1JA8E2