• Author: Andreas Schiffl, Wolfgang Kuhlein
• Author's Company: Hammerer Aluminium Industries Extrusion GmbH
• Title: Improvements in 6xxx Alloys for Crash Management: Influence of Alloy Design and Quenching]
• Volume: Vol. 74, No. 4
• Year: 2016
• No. Pages: 5
• Description: In order to meet the crash requirements of OEMs, Hammerer Aluminium Industries Extrusion (HAI) began a research and development program with the aim of understanding what happens inside the material during all steps of the production process route. HAI has determined which parameters of the process influence the crash performance of high strength 6xxx alloys. This article describes some of the important production steps in terms of understanding the parameters influencing the successful production of high strength 6xxx-crash alloys, including a short introductionon the importance of water quality on quenching.]
• Companies Mentioned: Hammerer Aluminium Industries Extrusion (HAI), Extrutec
Product Code: IMP32Q6K71